
Archive for August 5th, 2023

I shared some economics humor back in March, so we’re due for another edition.

This first item warmed my heart, both because of my support for school choice and my disdain for the government education monopoly.

Next we have my response when I’m asked why I’m not a statist.

Our third item is an example of Mitchell’s Law in action.

Plus, it’s always good to mock Keynesian economics.

Next we have Bernie Sanders-style voters expressing their opinions.

I’ve saved the best for last.

When something bad happens, like the 2008 financial crisis, some folks on the left blame “greed.”

I freely acknowledge that greed exists, but I ask them whether the crowd on Wall Street was greedy in other years, like 1998 and 1988.

So maybe, just maybe, there is another explanation for why we had a financial and housing meltdown.

The same analysis applies the recent complaints that egg companies were jacking up prices because of greed.

Too bad our left-leaning friends don’t understand the price system. Maybe they should watch these videos.

P.S. Pre-2023 examples of economics humor can be found here, here, here, here, and here.

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