
Archive for May 10th, 2024

Gun Control Epiphanies

I periodically highlight folks on the left who are sensible on the issue of gun control, either because they realize it is a bad idea or because they at least recognize that it is an impractical idea.

I’ve also written about leftists who have epiphanies on the issue, which means something has happened that causes them to become much more sympathetic to gun rights

Which is the focus of today’s column.

It seems that some people in California (though not the governor) are waking up on the issue.

Here are some excerpts from an article in the Los Angeles Times by James Queally.

Gun ownership has boomed in the U.S. over the last several years, including in California. Among those first-time gun owners are L.A. liberals, and more and more, those rookie shooters seek out Nguyen, who started teaching basic pistol courses in 2020 under the banner “L.A. Progressive Shooters.” …Nguyen says he’s also trying to dispel the inherent disgust some left-leaning friends have for firearms. …Nguyen did not invent the left-leaning gun group. The Pink Pistols, John Brown Gun Club and the Socialist Rifle Assn. have existed for decades. …Nguyen more occupies the role of the lefty gun instructor next door. …He’s neither surprised nor bothered when a student breaks down in tears the first time they pick up a gun. …Nguyen posted footage of their range visits to Instagram. …Nguyen received…a request for a lesson. The potential student was a musician who had just bought a gun for home defense following the at times violent street protests after the murder of George Floyd in 2020. “He grew up in Venice in the ’90s. Drive-by shootings. He absolutely hates guns. But he’s like: ‘Yo, I’m married now. Even though I don’t like ’em, I don’t wanna be the only one not to have one,’” Nguyen says…….Shrieves said she got serious about learning about firearms in 2020… “I want to know how to protect myself, to protect the community I live in,” she said. “I know [the police] are not out there to protect me or my community.” …Quezada said, adding that she enjoys “shattering the illusion” that all leftists are latte-sipping, gun-fearing academics. …“I’m a short, brown Latina who owns a gun, and I like making it known that there are people like me out there,” she said.

Interestingly, the author of the column is among those who now realize it is a bad idea to be vulnerable

I was among those new gun owners. In 2021 — after watching colleagues hide from the violent mob on Jan. 6 and remembering I have a habit of writing about angry men with access to weapons — I walked into a Burbank gun store to pick up my first handgun. …My foray into gun ownership is part of a larger trend. Last year, a national NBC/Wall Street Journal poll showed 52% of registered voters said someone in their household owned a gun, up from 46% in 2019. The share of Democrats who answered “yes” rose from 33% to 41%.

I’ll close with the observation that statism does not always win.

Whether looking at the issue from a political perspective or a constitutional perspective, gun rights are in a far stronger position today than at any other point in my life.

P.S. Feel free to add your voice to my questionnaire on gun control.

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